
The North Scranton area is taking action to become a vibrant community where all residents have a high quality of life and opportunity to succeed. The first step is creating a North Scranton Neighborhoods Plan that will chart the way forward in achieving community goals and addressing priorities.

What are these community goals and priorities? You tell us! We believe that a strong community is built on the voices of its members. That’s why we’re inviting you, our neighbors, to share your thoughts and priorities in this survey. Your insights are key in shaping the future of our neighborhood – from improving our roads and public spaces to address housing needs and more. By participating in this survey, you’re not only contributing to the future of North Scranton but also ensuring that your voice is heard in this conversation.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey. Thank you for your time and input – it truly makes a difference!

If you have any questions about the North Scranton Neighborhoods Plan please contact Shaquera Martindale, Scranton Redevelopment Authority Executive Director at smartindale@scrantonpa.gov or 570-780-0367.
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12% of survey complete.