The Municipality has launched a public survey to gain input from the community as part of the consultation and engagement component of the Official Plan Review. The survey will help staff understand key priorities and themes to consider throughout the project. As North Middlesex continues to grow and develop, the Municipality wants to ensure that growth happens in a way that builds on North Middlesex’s strengths and assets.

The Municipality would like to know what is important to you and how you wish to see the Municipality grow and develop. Thank you for helping inform this important piece of the public engagement strategy.

Question Title

* 1) Which of the following statements best describes you? Check all that apply:


Question Title

* 1) Are you involved in agriculture within North Middlesex as a producer or owner/employee of an agri-business or agri-tourism operation?

Question Title

* 2) How important is it to you that the Municipality prioritizes the protection of agricultural lands by taking a balanced approach to addressing population and employment growth?

Question Title

* 3) Should North Middlesex allow dwellings and structures on agricultural land that are not directly used for farming operations (for example, agri-tourism and agri-business, housing for family members, housing for farm labour)? Check one:


Question Title

* 1) How important is it to you that North Middlesex’s natural environment (rivers, streams, woodlands, etc) be protected from future development? Check one:

Question Title

* 2) Do you have any specific concerns or comments about the natural environment in North Middlesex? Check one:

Question Title

* 3) If yes, please describe the specific concerns or comments you have about the natural environment in North Middlesex:


Question Title

* 1) Which of the following best describes you? Check all that apply:

Question Title

* 2) How would you rate the availability and diversity of employment options in North Middlesex? Check one:

Question Title

* 3) How would you rate the availability of commercial amenities in the Municipality?

Question Title

* 4) How important is it to you that North Middlesex allow for more forms of mixed-use development (commercial and residential)?

Question Title

* 5) If you own or are aware of any lands that should be studied or considered to be added to the Municipality’s industrial land supply, please list the address and provide a brief description below.


Question Title

* 1) How do you feel about growth in North Middlesex? Check one:

Question Title

* 2) Please describe any ideas you may have on how North Middlesex can best accommodate growth over the next 25 years:

Question Title

* 3) Which of the following statements best describes you? Check all that apply:

Question Title

* 4) How would you rank the availability and affordability of housing in North Middlesex?

Question Title

* 5) According to the Population Projections that were prepared for Middlesex County and local municipalities, North Middlesex’s population is projected to grow between 6,700 and 7,210 by 2046, which translates to a projected housing need of between 2,810 and 3,110 new housing units. What housing options should the Municipality explore to meet this demand? Check all that apply:

Question Title

* 6) Please describe any ideas you may have to address housing demand in North Middlesex:

Question Title

* 7) If you own or are aware of any lands that should be considered to be added to the Municipality’s Settlement Areas, please list the address below:

Question Title

* 8) If you have additional comments, please enter them here:

THANK YOU for participating in this important process.

The information received through the survey will help to define the list of topics we will be looking at through the Official Plan review process.