Nora Notes Survey


Please take a moment to complete this short survey on the blog post you just read. Your feedback will be used immediately to improve content for The Nora Notes Blog. Thank you!

This project is supported in part by grant number CFDA 93.630, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.
1.I am a (please check one):(Required.)
2.I identify my Race/Ethnicity as (please check one)(Required.)
3.I identify myself as (please check one)(Required.)
4.I live in (please check one)(Required.)
5.What is the title of the Nora Notes post you’re providing feedback about?(Required.)
6.Please rate how much you agree with each statement.(Required.)
Strongly disagree
Neither agree or disagree
Strongly agree
I identified with the information presented by the author of the article.
I found the article easy to read.
I understood the strategies the article described.
I can apply the strategies described in the article with my family.
7.How well did the blog post meet your expectations?(Required.)
8.Please share any comments about the article or suggestions for future articles here.
9.Did you advocate more since you participated in this project? (For example, did you join a self-advocacy group or participate in advocacy activities with other people?)(Required.)
10.Feel free to leave comments about your answer to the question above.
11.Did participating in Nora Notes help you to speak up and tell/show other people what is important to you?(Required.)
12.Feel free to leave comments about your answer to the question above.
13.Are you still doing advocacy activities now?(Required.)
14.Feel free to leave comments about your answer to the question above.
15.Are you happy with the content posted on the Nora Notes Blog?(Required.)
16.Feel free to leave comments about your answer to the question above.
17.If you want, please share a story about how reading Nora Notes helped you advocate for yourself and others.
Current Progress,
0 of 17 answered