ACS Distinguished Service Award Nomination Form |
Honors Committee
The American College of Surgeons' Honors Committee is seeking nominations for the ACS Distinguished Service Award. Fellows of the College are encouraged to submit nominations for individuals that fit the criteria associated with the specific award or honor for consideration by the Honors Committee and Board of Regents. Nominations of women, people of color, and individuals of diverse backgrounds are highly encouraged.
Distinguished Service Award Criteria:
The Distinguished Service Award was established by the Board of Regents in 1957. It is the highest honor and award bestowed annually by the American College of Surgeons. The recipient should be a distinguished contributor and have a record of outstanding service and be an active supporter of the American College of Surgeons. Consideration is given to board, committee, council, and other voluntary service to the College. While recognizing that an individual’s entire surgical career is relevant, this Award is intended to specifically honor service to the American College of Surgeons.
Although not restricted, the Honors Committee has attempted to select individuals that have not held office in order to acknowledge Fellows that have served with distinction, but with less recognition. Further, the Honors Committee does not consider nominees who are currently serving as Officers or Regents of the College or have held the office of President of the College. The award is presented during the Convocation Ceremony prior to the official start of the annual Clinical Congress.
Process for Submitting a Nomination
Nominations are accepted year-round. Completion of the Nomination Form will require the following:
· Contact information for the nominator and nominee.
· Uploading of a minimum of two letters of support which list accomplishments of the nominee and how they meet the criteria for the award or honor.
· Uploading of a current curriculum vitae of the nominee.
· Uploading of a short biography of the nominee.
· Please review the current list of awardees before submitting a nomination to ensure that you are not nominating someone who has already received the award.
· If the individual being nominated is a current Officer or Regent they may not be eligible for the award until their term has ended.
· Please keep the nomination confidential from the proposed nominee.
IMPORTANT: Nominations do not automatically lead to selection and not all awards or honors are presented annually. Once submitted, a nominee remains an active candidate for three years. If the nominee does not receive the award during that three year period, the candidate may be resubmitted to the Committee for consideration after a waiting period of 5 years. The Honors Committee does not comment or report on the status of candidates submitted for consideration.