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* 1. Name

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* 3. Mobile Number

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* 4. You're assigned to lead a new project that involves skills and knowledge areas you are not familiar with. How do you approach this?

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* 5. During a meeting, a colleague critiques your approach to a task, pointing out a different method they believe would be more effective. How do you react?

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* 6. You notice a team member mastering a skill much faster than you are. What is your immediate thought process?

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* 7. You are faced with a complex problem that no existing protocols can solve. What is your strategy?

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* 8. Despite your best efforts, a project you were working on fails. How do you handle this situation?

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* 9. A new technology is introduced in your industry which could potentially enhance your skills. What do you do?

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* 10. A colleague proposes a novel approach to a standard task in your team's process. How do you respond?

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* 11. Despite your efforts to solve a problem, your solution doesn’t work. What would you do next?

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* 12. You notice a shift in industry trends that could potentially affect the way you work. How do you approach this change?

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* 13. It’s time for performance reviews and feedback sessions at your workplace. How do you perceive this period?

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* 14. Your manager assigns you a task with a tight deadline, and you realize it's going to be a challenge to complete it on time. What is your first reaction?

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* 15. Your team is discussing a five-year vision for your department. How do you perceive your potential growth in the upcoming years?

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* 16. A colleague shares about a new hobby they picked up over the weekend. What is your reaction to this?

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* 17. During a team meeting, there is a disagreement on how to approach a particular project. How would you handle differing opinions?

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* 18. A project is coming up that requires innovative solutions and creativity. How do you approach this task?

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* 19. At the end of a project, you take time to reflect on the mistakes that happened during its execution. How do you view these mistakes?

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* 20. Your manager hands you a task you've never done before. How do you approach this new challenge?

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* 21. The finance industry is undergoing rapid changes, with new tools and methodologies emerging. How do you approach this evolving landscape?

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* 22. A colleague you work closely with consistently outperforms you in tasks and projects. How does this affect your self-view and motivation?

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* 23. You’ve been working for a long time without a significant reward or recognition. How do you feel?

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* 24. Imagine you've just completed a project that you poured significant effort into. When it came time for recognition, you felt your contributions were overlooked or undervalued. How would you likely respond?

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* 25. You've consistently outperformed many of your peers, but your salary and bonuses do not reflect this. What would your next steps be?

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* 26. You feel that the company’s reward system does not adequately appreciate the effort you put into continuous learning and professional development. How do you approach this?