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In January of 2021, Advanced Therapeutic Solutions for Anxiety (ATSA) launched a new website to emcompass all of the services we offer. This process took two separate webpages, one for Advanced Therapeutic Solutions and one for our selective mutism intensive treatment camps, and combined them into one! The goal of launching the new website is that this website will improve efficiency and usefulness for all of our clients/patients. Please complete the survey below to give us feedback!

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* 1. How visually appealing is our website?

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* 2. How easy is it to navigate our website?

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* 3. Did it take you more or less time than you expected to find what you were looking for on our website?

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* 4. How easy is it to understand the information on our website?

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* 5. How likely is it that you would recommend our website to a friend or colleague?


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* 6. Overall, how helpful is our website?

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* 7. Is there any information that is NOT on the website that you feel should be included?

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* 8. What was the first thing that stood out to you about the website?

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* 9. Do you have any other comments about how we can improve our website?

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* 10. Are you a...

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* 11. If we have follow-up questions about your feedback, how should we contact you? If you prefer not to be contacted, enter "N/A"

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