Friday, March 8, 2019

Question Title

* 1. Program Evaluation

  Outstanding Great Good Fair Poor N/A
Viewed Via Livestream
Overall assessment of this program
Ease of registering for the conference
What did you think of the facility?
What did you think of the food?

Question Title

* 2. Please evaluate each session/speaker:

  Outstanding Great Good Fair Poor
Management of NETs - Overview
by David C. Metz, MD
Debbie L. Cohen, MD
Penn NET Center-Overview of Clinical & Basic Science Research
Bryson W. Katona, MD, PhD
Heather Wachtel, MD
Use of PRRT for NETs
Daniel A. Pryma, MD
Genetics Update
Anna C. Raper, MS
Systemic therapy for metastatic NETs
Jennifer Eads, MD
INSPIRATIONAL KEYNOTE-The role of Endocrinologist in the Management of NETs
Lauren M. Fishbein, MD, PhD, MTR
Multidisciplinary Team Approach for Managing NETs
Moderator: David C. Metz, MD and Debbie L. Cohen, MD
Lauren M. Fishbein, MD, PhD, MTR
Maria L. Bonanni, NP
Diann E. Boyd, BSN, RN, OCN
Jason Brant, MD
Joseph R. Carver, MD
Keith A. Cengel, MD, PhD
Nevena Damjanov, MD
Jennifer Eads, MD
Anna Jung, PharmD, BCPS
Julia N. Kharlip, MD
John C. Kucharczuk, MD
Daniel A. Pryma, MD
Robert E. Roses, MD
Michael C. Soulen, MD
Ursina R. Teitelbaum, MD
Heather Wachtel, MD
Patient Power – It Take Guts
by Neal Niznan, MSW, LCSW and Bonnie Bennett, BSN, RN

Question Title

* 3. How did you attend the conference?

Question Title

* 4. How would you rate the conference handout materials?

Question Title

* 5. How helpful was this conference to your personal situation and/or professional practice?

Question Title

* 6. How did you hear about this conference?

Question Title

* 7. Was this conference what you expected?

Question Title

* 8. What part of the program was most helpful to you?

Question Title

* 9. Based on the information you received today, please evaluate your level of confidence 1 (no confidence) to 4 (high level of confidence)

  No Confidence Little Confidence Confidence High Level of Confidence
I feel confident to actively participate, with my care team, in my care
I feel confident to make ongoing treatment decisions with my care team
I feel confident with the language of Neuroendocrine Tumor care
I feel confident in describing strategies to cope with emotions related to cancer
I feel confident in describing how to manage symptoms of treatment
I feel confident in describing when to call my doctor/nurse or other member of my health care team

Question Title

* 10. Please make any additional comments or suggestions on how this program could be improved.

Question Title

* 11. Please check your preference for location of future conferences from the following locations:

  Least Preferred Neutral Most Preferred
City Line Area
Penn Campus (Perelman, Smilow, etc)
Airport Area
Penn's Landing
Center City
North Philadelphia, Germantown, Mt Airy
South, West, Southwest Philadelphia
Web livestream

Question Title

* 12. Please let us know if you use any of the following of the Social Networks.

Question Title

* 13. What topics would be of interest to you at future events?