Based on the results of this survey and other relevant information, the Strategic Planning team will be determining the major priorities of the Nassau School District for the next three to five years. To assist the team, please share your thoughts and opinions regarding our school district.  We appreciate the feedback, ideas, and input that are MOST IMPORTANT in your view.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following categories best describes your role or roles in relation to the Nassau County School District? Please check all that apply.

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* 2. I consider myself part of the following community (may be the community of either your residence or employment).

Question Title

* 3. The following mission statement is intended to reflect our primary purpose as a school system and the key elements of our mission are underlined: "Our mission is to develop each student as an inspired life-long learner with  the strength of character to serve as a productive member of society."  Is the mission statement of the Nassau School District clear and understandable?

Question Title

* 4. Based on your perceptions and/or experiences, how effectively is the Nassau School District achieving its stated mission?

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* 5. How likely is it that you would recommend the Nassau County School District to a friend or to a newcomer in your community?

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* 6. The next items ask, "Are these things happening in the Nassau County Schools?"

  Yes. For the most part.  No. I don't have enough information.  
Nassau students have (or are gaining) the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions in local and global communities.
Nassau educators implement a curriculum defined by high academic standards, meaningful and relevant instruction, collaboration, and service to the community.
The Nassau County School District does a good job of preparing students for careers and / or college.  
Nassau students have (or are gaining) necessary technological, creative, and critical thinking skills.
I feel like I understand what is going on in our schools.

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* 7. What is the greatest strength of the Nassau County School District?

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* 8. What is the greatest weakness of the Nassau County School District?

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* 9. In the next five years, what do you see as a top priority for the Nassau County School District?