About this plan, and about you

The intent of this survey is to gather public input that will be used in developing a fisheries management plan for Lake Namekagon in Bayfield County. We are seeking information on public use, preferences, desired experiences, and perceptions of fishery issues that will help us understand what the public would like the Lake Namekagon fishery resource to provide. Please provide input on the following questions and feel free to use the comment field at the end to share additional information you would like the planning team to know.    

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* 1. Tell us about your relationship with Lake Namekagon (check all that apply)

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* 2. What is your state of primary residence?

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* 3. How many years have you fished Lake Namekagon? (does not need to be consecutive)

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* 4. How much time do you spend fishing Lake Namekagon annually?

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* 5. When you fish Lake Namekagon, how do you typically access the lake?