Thank you for completing this survey. Your input is invaluable for future conference planning.

Please use Question 11 to make comments or suggestions. If a comment is about a survey question, please preface your note with the relevant question number.

Question Title

* 1. How much of the Conference did you attend?

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* 2. What was your registration type? ( Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. How did the combination of the Fall Webinars and the December Conference overall meet your expectations?

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* 4. Once you learned how the Remo platform worked and got access to it, how would you rate it (on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the worst and 10 the best)?

Question Title

* 5. Which were the top 3 Webinar sessions? For details, please visit the Webinar pages.

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* 6. Which were the top 3 Conference sessions? For details, please visit the Program pages.

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* 7. Would you attend the next National Zero Waste Conference?

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* 8. Which do you prefer?

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* 9. After COVID-19 is under control, how would you prefer to attend these type of events:

Question Title

* 10. Would you attend a National Recycling Congress day like we did on 12/3 at a regional or state recycling conference providing nationally focused information and speakers to complement local and regional topics and speakers?

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* 11. Would you like to have your organization help organize, sponsor, and/or host one of these events in the future? If yes, please be sure to add your contact information below.

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* 12. Please provide additional comments or suggestions. If a comment is in response to a specific question, please preface your comment with the question number, for example "Q6. "

Question Title

* 13. Contact details. (Optional)