San Francisco Police Department Implicit Bias Survey

1.Do you live in San Francisco?
2.If yes, which district do you live in?
3.Do you work in San Francisco?
4.Do you work for the San Francisco Police Department?
5.How often do you have contact with the SFPD?
6.What is your household income?
7.How do you identify? (choose all that apply)
8.What language do you speak? (choose all that apply)
9.What is your age?
10.Do you have any disabilities?
11.How do you identify? (choose all that apply)
12.How do you identify (choose all that apply)
13.How do you identify? (choose all that apply)
14.Have you personally experienced biased policing in San Francisco?
15.Has someone you know experienced biased policing in San Francisco?
16.Have you read about biased policing in San Francisco?
17.Have you read about biased policing outside of San Francisco?
18.Do you believe that SFPD is impartial in policing its diverse communities?
19.How important do you think each tool is in decreasing biased policing?
Not Important
Some Importance
Very Important
Community Policing
Best Practice Research
Measure Bias
Identifying and reducing the risk of bias in high discretion of crime controlled focus activities
Truth telling and reconciliation work
20.Did you know that the SFPD has convened a public stakeholder working group to develop a strategy to minimize bias across all dimensions of its work and to update its policies on investigative detentions, bias-free policing, and discrimination, harassment, and retaliation?
21.Are you aware that SFPD has created a new policy for compliance by members regarding bias free policing?
22.Are you aware that 98% of SFPD members have completed implicit bias and procedural justice training?
23.Did you know the SFPD has over 300 Officers that speak one or more languages in addition to English?
24.Did you know the SFPD formally apologized to the LGBTQ community for bias laws, policing and police culture?
25.What suggestions do you have for how the SFPD could work to minimize bias across all dimensions of its work?
Current Progress,
0 of 25 answered