Your opinion on African security today...

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* 1. To which region are you primarily associated?

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* 2. To which type of organisation do you belong?

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* 3. Of the following maritime tasks, which do you believe has the most urgent need for improvement for your country?

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* 4. Of the following platforms, which needs more investment/acquisition for your country to improve maritime ISR?

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* 5. Of the following maritime ISR requirements, what do you believe is most in need of priority for investment in your nation?

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* 6. Of the following data factors, which do you believe is most in need of improvement for maritime forces in your country?

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* 7. The key shortfall for maritime data analysts in your country is...

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* 8. Are you interested in participating in the upcoming Maritime Reconnaissance & Surveillance conference (27-28 September, 2017; Rome, Italy)?