Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey. Tu Tu Akaaaka Roa is interested in better understanding the drivers behind psychiatrists exiting the public mental health system to work in private practice, as well as the factors that might influence them to return or to remain in private practice.

The survey is divided into three sections:
  • Section 1 will help us understand a little about you
  • Section 2 is focused on your experiences in public mental health services, and
  • Section 3 is focused on your work in private practice.
It should take between 10-15 minutes to complete. You will not be asked for your name to preserve your privacy. All data will be analysed and presented in a manner that does not identify individuals or services.

Survey results will be used in the following manner:
  • to inform ongoing workforce-related discussions with external agencies such as the Ministry of Health, and
  • for feedback to the national committee and NZ membership via College-related events and newsletters (not research publications).
Please reach out to if you have any further questions or concerns about completing this survey.