The Correlations Seen Between Music, Emotion, and Color Question Title * 1. Please read the consent form By clicking "I agree" you are consenting to the terms and conditions within the form. I agree Question Title * 2. Thank you for deciding to take part in this survey! The survey will include audio and visual stimuli, so it is best to take it in a controlled environment without major distractions. The use of headphones is recommended when participating in the survey but is not required. In this section of the survey, you will hear a selection of music. After you listen, you will be asked to pick a color from the provided display of colors that you associate most with the musical selection and a color that you associate the least with the musical selection. Next, you will be shown a selection of five different emotional descriptors. Again, you will be asked to choose a color that you associate most with the musical selection and then choose a color that you associate least with the musical selection. Finally, you will be shown a selection of five different faces. You will be asked to select which face you associate most with the musical selection and which face you associate least with the musical selection. All of this will be repeated multiple times. Next, you will be asked to complete face-emotion associations, face-color associations, and color-emotion associations.All questions must be completed to advance to the following set(s) of questions. The musical selection can be replayed at your convenience, as there is no time limit for this survey. I understand! (begin survey) I don't understand (email Question Title * 3. Do you have any hearing damage/loss, color-blindness, or visual impairments? If so please specify. If no, skip this question. Question Title * 4. Do you obtain any form of Chromesthesia (do you see colors when you hear music or sounds)? If yes, please specify. If this question doesn't apply to you, skip the question. Question Title * 5. What is your age Question Title * 6. Please listen to the provided audio please select the color you associate most with the previous musical selection you were previously played. red 1 red 2 red 3 red 4 orange 1 orange 2 orange 3 orange 4 yellow 1 yellow 2 yellow 3 yellow 4 purple 1 purple 2 purple 3 purple 4 grey 1 grey 2 grey 3 grey 4 light green 1 light green 2 light green 3 light green 4 dark blue 1 dark blue 2 dark blue 3 dark blue 4 light blue 1 light blue 2 light blue 3 light blue 4 dark green 1 dark green 2 dark green 3 dark green 4 black white Question Title * 7. please select the color you associate least with the previous musical selection you were previously played. red 1 red 2 red 3 red 4 orange 1 orange 2 orange 3 orange 4 yellow 1 yellow 2 yellow 3 yellow 4 purple 1 purple 2 purple 3 purple 4 grey 1 grey 2 grey 3 grey 4 light green 1 light green 2 light green 3 light green 4 dark blue 1 dark blue 2 dark blue 3 dark blue 4 light blue 1 light blue 2 light blue 3 light blue 4 dark green 1 dark green 2 dark green 3 dark green 4 black white Question Title * 8. below, choose the emotion that you associate most with the musical selection that was previously played. happy sad angry calm lively Question Title * 9. below, choose the emotion that you associate least with the musical selection that was previously played. happy sad angry calm lively Question Title * 10. below, choose the face you associate most with the musical selection that was previously played. Question Title * 11. below, choose the face you associate least with the musical selection that was previously played. Next