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Spring 2025 Cavendish Community and Conservation Survey
The Cavendish Community and Conservation Association sponsors a number of activities throughout the year to help benefit our community, natural resources and historic sites. The list below includes just some of the ways residents and visitors can participate.
Which ones interest you most
Local hikes with natural resources experts
Wednesday night summer concerts in the park
Volunteer opportunities to protect or restore our natural resources (includes trails, streams and rivers).
Educational talks by wildlife experts
Establishing and maintaining hiking trails
Learning about renewable energy opportunities
Taking photos for the community calendar
Supporting community events as a volunteer or attendee
Other (please specify)
None of the above
If our area had an activity club, which of the following activities would interest you?
Walking (Easy terrain)
Hiking (more challenging terrain)
Snow shoeing
Cross country skiing
Downhill skiing
Projects focused on helping others
Other (please specify)
Which of the following information sources do you depend on for news and updates about community events?
Cavendish Facebook page
Vermont Journal
Cavendish Connects newsletter
Friends or Family
I’m on a town committee or part of a volunteer group
Cavendish town website website
Other (please specify)
We strive to promote education and activities that connect and benefit current and future members of our community. Considering some of the examples shared above and your own areas of interest,
what do you think is most vital to protect for future generations
What times and days are most convenient for you to participate in activities like the ones we've described?
Weekend mornings
Weekend afternoons
Weekend evenings
Mornings during the week
Afternoons during the week
Evenings during the week
Other (please specify)
What is your zip code?