Question Title

* 1. I believe art is important to the welfare of our community.

Question Title

* 2. Why are the arts important in Talbot County? Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 3. The arts have a social impact, improving the quality and livability of my community.

Question Title

* 4. The arts improve the image and identity of my community.

Question Title

* 5. The arts industry is good for the economy and supports jobs.

Question Title

* 6. How easy is it to find out about entertainment, creative, and cultural activities in Talbot County?

Question Title

* 7. What are your main sources of information about arts events, programs, and activities? Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 8. I want to see more opportunities to participate in the arts.

Question Title

* 9. The arts programs in Talbot County reflect my interests.

Question Title

* 10. What additional programs would you like to see in Talbot County? Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 11. Have you visited or attended any of the following activities in Talbot County in the past year? Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 12. There are many places in the community to engage in art. In the past year, have you enjoyed the arts at any of the locations listed below in Talbot County? Select all that apply.

Question Title

* 13. How would you rate the quality of the art programs presented in Talbot County?

Question Title

* 14. Did you know that community groups and arts organizations can receive grants from Talbot Arts?

Question Title

* 15. Did you know that all public and private schools in Talbot County receive grants from Talbot Arts?

Question Title

* 16. Did you know that Talbot Arts provides summer arts enrichment scholarships for gifted and talented middle school and high school students residing in Talbot County?

Question Title

* 17. Please rank in order of importance which groups of individuals should receive more funding for arts activities in Talbot County. Click, drag and drop your choices into your preferred order.

  1. Artists
  2. Children and teens
  3. Adults
  4. People with disabilities
  5. Low-income communities

Question Title

* 18. To ensure a vibrant arts community in Talbot County, it is essential to identify and prioritize funding for key groups that can make a significant impact. Please rank in order of importance which groups should receive more funding for arts activities in Talbot County. Click, drag and drop your choices into your preferred order.

  1. Community arts organizations
  2. Non-profit organizations that support arts programs
  3. Talbot County schools
  4. Art venues (museums and performance spaces)
  5. Afrter school arts programs
  6. Festivals

Question Title

* 19. In an average month, how many arts activities do you attend?

Question Title

* 20. How do you immerse yourself in the arts? Choose all the ways that resonate with you. Your engagement matters!

Question Title

* 21. My community offers sufficient opportunities for engagement in the arts.

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* 22. Everyone in my community has access to the arts.

Question Title

* 23. To what extent do you agree with funding arts and cultural programs for the elderly?

Question Title

* 24. To what extent do you support art placement in parks, downtown areas, and other public spaces?

Question Title

* 25. To what extent do you support funding arts programs that promote pro-social behavior among at-risk youth?

Question Title

* 26. To what extent do you agree to funding the arts to increase tourism?

Question Title

* 27. Arts and cultural activities are made possible with a mix of public and private support. This funding can be provided in many ways. Please rank in order of importance how Talbot Arts should prioritize investing in the arts. Click, drag and drop your choices into your preferred order.

  1. To make art widely shared and experienced.
  2. To push boundaries and drive innovation.
  3. To create more art in public spaces.
  4. To ensure children and young adults have access to arts learning and development.
  5. To ensure free or low-cost arts activities.
  6. To ensure art and creative experiences support peoples' health and wellbeing.
  7. To ensure access to the arts experiences online.
  8. I do not prioritize investing in the arts.