NZEAN - Equestrian road incident database

Currently in NZ there is no national database of horse related traffic incidents. This means there are no statistics available and therefore no way to measure or prove our vulnerability as a road user. To be afforded the same protection as pedestrians and cyclists, including access to shared, off-road pathways we need to be able to show how vulnerable we are to central and local governments, NZTA and other roading agencies.

This database is intended to be a means to record near misses or actual incidents involving horses which have happened on roads in New Zealand. We encourage you to enter each incident you have had as a separate entry and to share this database with as many people as possible so that we can get a comprehensive view of the vulnerability of equestrian road users.

Please note that information you provide may be shared with relevant government or transport authorities.

Thank you for participating and remember to also report incidents to the police via 105 or 111 as relevant at the time.

*Writing about something that has had a significant emotional impact on you can activate unwelcome memories or feelings. If this concerns you pls reach out to the team at 1737 for support*

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* 1. Have you witnessed or been in a road incident involving a horse?

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* 2. Please provide the location of the incident.

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* 3. What type of road was it?

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* 4. What was the speed limit?

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* 5. Were you riding on the:

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* 6. When did the incident happen?

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* 7. Your activity - Were you:

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* 8. Were you:

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* 9. What kind of road user was involved?

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* 10. What ages were the riders?

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* 11. Do you drive a vehicle?

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* 12. If you answered 'No' to question 11, are you familiar with the road rules which apply to horse riders or carriage drivers?

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* 13. Were you wearing HighViz gear?

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* 14. Was the incident:

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* 15. Did you use NZTA recognised arm signals (includes slow down signal)?

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* 16. Were these signals respected by the driver?

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* 17. Describe the incident (comprehensively please describe the location, road speeds, type of vehicle, weather etc)

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* 18. Was anyone injured?

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* 19. Did you report the incident?

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* 20. If you answered Yes, what was the result?

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* 21. Did the above incident affect you, long or short term, riding or in everyday life?

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* 22. What changes would you like to see?

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* 23. Please send any photos or video footage to and comment here with your name. Thank you
*By sending the images you agree to NZEAN using the photos when submitting submissions to council/government and in media campaigns.

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* 24. Please provide your email address if you are willing for NZEAN to contact you in regard to your incident. Thank you.