This survey is for CPSU NSW/PSA members working at Northcott and House with No Steps.
If you have received this bulletin and do not work for either of these employers, please contact us on 1300 772 679 to update your details.

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* 2. Worksite address:

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* 3. Are you a CPSU NSW/PSA Member?

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* 4. On a scale of 1-5 how are things going with your new employer?

1 - very poor 5 - very good
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 5. Are all award conditions being complied with in your experience?

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* 6. Each worksite is entitled to have a Health and Safety Representative (HSR). Do you have a HSR in your workplace?

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* 7. Have you noticed any major changes in the operation of your workplace?

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* 8. Has access to opportunities for acting in a different or higher graded role changed since the privatisation?

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* 9. Would you like us to attend your team meeting?


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* 10. You can contact me about my team meeting at:

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* 11. Are there any other issues you have concerns about?