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Mental health represents a tremendous challenge to UK industry, costing UK businesses £billions where employees are less productive and effective, or absent from work.

In our industry, there is growing evidence of the impact of poor mental health on our workers and our businesses. From research which highlights the link between bullying and harassment in restaurants with lower job satisfaction, burnout and turnover; to the prevalence of mental health problems and limited support.

In the catering equipment industry, our sales representatives, engineers and outfitters often find themselves in very isolating positions, on the road and working away from friends and families. Last year’s questionnaire amongst the sector published by the Caterer showed that from over 700 responses, almost two-thirds of people considered themselves to have a mental health problem, with over 70% stating that they had experienced a problem in the past. However, only 60% said they had sought help or advice. Earlier this year, ScotHot’s survey of 500 hospitality employees showed 57% reported mental problems – with over 40% citing the industry having negatively affected their mental health.

Our industry is both exciting and challenging. With long hours, often unreasonable work demands, limited work-life balance and the demands of working in a high-pressure environment – we recognise the importance of addressing drivers of poor mental health within our sector, as well as ensuring we create sustainable, supportive and ‘stigma-free’ environments.

CEDA recognise many of the issues and know that much more needs to be done. Earlier this year, CEDA became a Supporter of the leading mental health charity, Mates in Mind and together are undertaking a survey amongst members to understand the issues we see at an organisation level, the impact they have on our people and our businesses. Additionally, we want to understand the range of support mechanisms currently in place, identify gaps as well as identify areas of existing good practice.

Following the survey, CEDA and Mates in Mind will facilitate a workshop with our members to explore the findings in more depth, to explore models of best practice and then, as a collective group, agree action plans.

The results of the CEDA Mental Health Survey, combined with the focus group workshop will help to shape how we as an industry better address mental health within our companies – ensuring the right support reaches our people at the right time, whilst helping to create and sustain working environments where our people thrive at work.

All the results of the questionnaire will remain completely confidential. No information will be shared outside of CEDA and the research team within Mates in Mind which can identify you or your organisation. The results of the survey will be shared only in aggregate format.
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