Survey on Active Transportation Usage and Active Transportation System Improvement Ideas |
Welcome to the Active Transportation Strategic Plan Survey!
Thank you for participating in the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Active Transportation Strategic Plan (ATSP) community survey. Your responses will help inform the draft policy and program recommendations developed by NYSDOT and the consultant team.
Before you take the survey, here are a few items related to the ATSP:
Before you take the survey, here are a few items related to the ATSP:
- What is Active Transportation? Primarily, it is both human-powered modes of transportation—walking, bicycling, operating a wheelchair, and cross-county skiing—along with small-scale electric vehicles such as e-bikes and e-scooters (aka “micromobility”).
- Who is the intended audience for the ATSP? The ATSP will guide NYSDOT, other state agencies, regional planning organizations, municipalities, and stakeholder groups in working together to accommodate pedestrians, bicyclists, and other AT users on state owned roads throughout New York.
- Types of Active Transportation Facilities include those shown below-