Demographic Information

We collect demographic information to evaluate how we are reaching the covered populations listed in the Digital Equity Act and to identify other populations with digital equity interests. Over 80% of Delawareans are part of a covered population, which include:

  • Residents of households with incomes at or below 150% of the federal poverty line
  • Individuals 60+ years of age
  • Military veterans
  • Individuals with disabilities
  • Individuals with barriers to the English language (including English language learners and those with low literacy)
  • Members of racial and ethnic minority groups
  • Residents of in rural areas
  • Individuals incarcerated in or recently released from a nonfederal correctional facility

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* 1. Please enter your Delaware zip code.

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* 2. What is your gender (please select all terms you would use to identify)?

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* 3. What is your age?

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* 4. Please identify your race/ethnicity by selecting all answers that apply to you.

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* 5. What is the most advanced level of formal education you have completed? If you were not educated in the U.S., please choose the option most similar to the levels of education where you were educated.

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* 6. What is the language you grew up using most frequently (your first language)? You can list more than one if you used them more or less equally.

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* 7. Is someone assisting you to complete this survey? Please select all that apply.