5 Minute COVID-19 ABC Contractor Survey Question Title * 1. Would you favor or oppose a governmental shutdown of construction projects statewide as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak? Favor Oppose Question Title * 2. To what extent have your projects been impacted as a result of the spread of COVID-19? No Impact Negative Impact - Minimal Positive Impact - Minimal Negative Impact - Significant Positive Impact - Significant Question Title * 3. Has local municipality policy/regulations regarding COVID-19 or lack of project inspections or permits impacted your ability to work on projects? Is forcing us to stop work Reduced schedule of operations Cannot proceed with project because no permits/inspections Choosing to stop of own accord Productivity is disrupted and staffing challenges Other (please explain below): Question Title * 4. If locally regulated work stoppages and lack of municipality permits and inspections continues beyond April 12 (4 weeks of impact), do you anticipate: Dismissing workers Closing business Reducing hours of operation Don’t anticipate a change in operations or staffing Unable to forecast future Question Title * 5. What percentage of your employees could work from home and still maintain business operations? 0% 10% 25% 50% Question Title * 6. Do you have the resources to provide paid sick time to all employees? Yes, at 100% Yes, at 80% Yes, at 50% No, they would have to exhaust paid vacation time first No, not at all Other (please explain below): Question Title * 7. If a Government mandated shutdown of the construction industry occurs, would you be able to continue compensating all employees? Yes, at 100% Yes, at 80% Yes, at 50% No, not at all Other (please explain below): Question Title * 8. Your success is our success…how can the Associated Builders and Contractors of Southeastern MI help your business? We will use this survey information to lobby the current administration in Lansing to support local builders and allow you to continue your work in a safe and healthy manner. Are there any trends of barriers being implemented locally that are stopping you from working on your job or getting the materials you need to finish your work? Question Title * 9. Please share what concerns you may have for your business post coronavirus: Question Title * 10. Please enter your name and contact information (if you would like us to follow up with you). Name Company Email Address Phone Number Done