Participant Survey

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* 1. Have you attended the Northwest Michigan Arts & Culture Summit in the past?

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* 2. Did you attend in person, by Zoom or both?

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* 3. Are you (or your organization) a member of the Network?

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* 4. On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest, please rate your satisfaction with the panels or breakouts presented that you attended:

  1 2 3 4 5 N/A - I did not participate
Prelude - Music, Meet & Mingle
Showcasing the Power of Our Arts: Performances from Edmonia
Summit Springboard with Trey Devey (Interlochen Center for the Arts) & Warren Call (Traverse Connect)
Session 1 - Powering Our Partnerships: Collaborating Creatively
Session 2 - Big Dream, Creative Plans: Topic Tables
Session 3 - Community Partners: When We Lead with the Arts
Networking Lunch
MACC Talk - The State of the ARts for Arts & Culture
Breakout A - The Art of Business for Creatives - Business Basics
Breakout B - Fundraising Strategy Exchange
Breakout C - All Things Data
Breakout D - Working Well With Others: Build Creative, Impactful Partnerships
Breakout E - A Sense of Place: Sharing Cultures, Traditions, Stories
Breakout F - Creative Presentations: How to Think on Your Feet & Out of Thin Air
Post Summit Reception at Interlochen Public Radio
Transformational: Stories of Northwest Arts & Culture (recorded readings, preview publication)
Optional recording for IPR Classical's Music by Request
MACC Staff & Representatives - Meet, Q&A, Resources
Zoom Experience

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* 5. What were your favorite "take aways" from the sessions and/or breakouts?

Were there favorite quotes that you remember? Please share.

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* 6. What did you enjoy or feel was valuable during the day? (check all that apply)

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* 7. What could have been better? How could we improve the next Summit and/or your experience?

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* 8. As we look ahead to next year's Summit, are there topics and/or speakers that you would like to recommend?

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* 9. We are also planning future programming, locally and regionally. Do you have suggestions such as training topics, options for informal networking, local interests or other recommendations?

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* 10. Is there any other feedback that would like to share about the Summit, the Network or other points?

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* 11. Would you like to get more involved with the Network - on a committee, for the Summit, or the board?