We would like your thoughts on the future of our repairs service

Wolverhampton Homes (WH) is responsible for most of the repairs and maintenance for more than 21,000 homes across the city, with any major improvements funded by the City of Wolverhampton Council.

Keeping your home safe and secure is our priority and we understand how important it is that we provide you with an effective repairs and maintenance service.

However, your views are key. We cannot deliver our services without listening to you: our customers are at the heart of everything we do.

We would like to consult with you on key elements of the new Repairs and Maintenance Policy.

We would particularly like to hear your views on:
  • The types of repairs that we class as emergency, routine and programmed
  • The target timescales for repairs and inspections
  • Our proposals for responding to reports of damp, mould and condensation
  • Available appointment slots
  • Our Empty Homes (Void) Standard.
We would like to hear your thoughts on our services to make sure we get it right for all our customers. The questions below should take around five minutes to answer. Thank you.

You can read the policy by going to: https://www.wolverhamptonhomes.org.uk/media/atomzwfh/repairs-policy-2024-2027-v2.pdf
8% of survey complete.