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We are excited to announce the launch of the new Madison Trust Membership Survey! It’s been nearly a decade since our last survey in 2015, and we believe it’s crucial to gather your feedback to ensure we are meeting the needs and expectations of our members.

Your input will help us better understand how we can improve our programs, communications, and advocacy, and make sure the Madison Trust is heading in a positive direction. We want to hear your thoughts as we continue to grow and evolve, so please take a few moments to share your thoughts. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of the Madison Trust for Historic Preservation.

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. What is your ethnicity? (Select all that apply)

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* 3. What is your highest level of education?

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* 4. Where do you reside?

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* 5. How long have you lived in the Dane County area?

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* 6. How did you learn about the Madison Trust?

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* 7. Why did you choose to become a member? (Select all that apply)

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* 8. How long have you been a member?

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* 9. How familiar are you with the mission and goals of the Madison Trust?

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* 10. Have you participated in Madison Trust events or tours?

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* 11. If yes, please select all that apply

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* 12. How valuable to you are the following offerings? (Each row requires a selection)

  No value Low value Some value High value N/A
Historic Architecture Walking Tours
Specialty tours
Preservation workshops
Virtual events (e.g. Architectural Series)
Historic Preservation Awards
Social media posts
Advocacy outreach to elected officials
Public meeting advocacy
Advocacy Alerts
This includes programs such as our Historic Preservation Awards, virtual educational series, workshops on preservation topics and member-only events.

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* 13. How satisfied are you with the variety and frequency of programming?

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* 14. Are there any specific preservation-related topics you want addressed in future programming?

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* 15. Do you have ideas for workshops or educational sessions that would be helpful?


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* 16. How satisfied are you with the variety, timing and frequency of our walking tours? (Each row requires a selection)

  Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied N/A
Variety of tours
Timing of tours
Frequency of tour

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* 17. Would you like to provide comments about your satisfaction with tour variety, timing or frequency?


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* 18. How familiar are you with the advocacy work the Madison Trust has been doing recently?

  Very familiar Somewhat familiar Not at all familiar N/A
400 block of State Street
Demolition of the Mifflin Arcade
Madison Landmark approval of the Kathryn Clarenbach home
Old Spring Tavern property division and new construction
Our testimony at City meetings for various issues
West Johnson and North Broom Streets project demolishing 13 structures
Building height change in First Settlement Neighborhood

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* 19. How satisfied are you with Madison Trust advocacy efforts?

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* 20. Are there any specific advocacy-related issues you want addressed by the Madison Trust in the future?

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* 21. How important is advocacy for historic preservation in the Madison area to you?

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* 22. What advocacy efforts should the Madison Trust prioritize going forward? (Select all that apply)

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* 23. What do you believe are the most pressing preservation issues facing us today? (e.g. large development projects, demolition by neglect, lack of public awareness, etc.)


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* 24. How satisfied are you with communications from the Madison Trust?

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* 25. Do you have any suggestions for improving communications with members?

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* 26. Which of these communications methods do you prefer? (Select all that apply):


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* 27. What do you think the Madison Trust does especially well?

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* 28. What areas do you believe the Madison Trust can improve upon?

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* 29. How do you think the Madison Trust can better engage with underrepresented communities in its preservation efforts?

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* 30. Are you interested in volunteering with the Madison Trust? (If yes, we will need your name and email/phone below)

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* 31. Contact information (Optional, unless you would like us to contact you)

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* 32. Is there any additional feedback you would like to provide at this time?

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