The first step towards making your family safer is completing the survey!

Most first aid kits are a mess as soon as you have used them once, and often has items that are near their expiration date. This Kit contains 180 items, organized in the brilliant Quick Aid Pocket System which makes your kit much faster and easier to use in an emergency, and keeps everything easily organized even after repeated use.
Once the survey is complete, respondents will be selected to receive one of a limited number of 180 Piece Emergency Preparedness Kits, and receive a FREE Home Fire Safety Evaluation. A local consultant from Northwest  Health and Safety in Longview, WA and Coeur d" Alene, ID. will deliver it to you.  By submitting the survey, your name will be submitted and you may be selected. We deliver in a 90 mile radius and there's no purchase necessary; so let's get started!

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* 1. Do you have an EMERGENCY meeting spot outside your home?

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* 2. When do you replace the Batteries in your smoke detectors?

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* 3. If you have second story bedrooms? Do you have Fire Escape Ladders?

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* 4. Have you ever had or known anyone who's had a home fire, carbon monoxide leak, water leak or frozen pipes?

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* 5. If Yes, please describe what happened.

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* 6. Check any of the dangers you are concerned about?

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* 7. Household

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* 8. Living with you- check all that apply

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* 9. Do you?

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* 11. Your Occupation

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* 12. Spouse/Partners Occupation

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* 13. Age Range

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* 14. Contact Information (If selected you will be contacted at the # listed below, we CALL and or TEXT please provide a cell number if possible )

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* 16. Who sent you this or who's social media post did you click on? (First & Last Name)