When the doors open at FCC

We are planning for when we can once again worship together. We need your assistance.

Whenever our local government agencies determine that we are able to return to worship with up to 50 members in the sanctuary, we need to know how you might respond. Please, ONLY complete this survey one time per family. We will be receiving responses until midnight on May 22, 2020.
1.When we are allowed to gather up to 50 members in the sanctuary, do you plan to attend a worship service?
2.If you answered 'yes', how many members of your family might be with you in worship?(Required.)
3.If you answered 'yes' to question #1, which of the following services would you prefer to attend? (Select only one choice)(Required.)
4.What concerns do you have in returning to worship?
5.If you answered no to question #1, what needs to happen to bring you back into worship in the sanctuary?
6.Optional information: If you don't already receive emails from the church office, would you like to do so in the future?
7.If you answered 'yes' to the above question, please enter your email address here: (You may enter multiple email addresses.)
8.Optional information: Family last name
Current Progress,
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