Patient Experience Survey

**On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the easiest / best, please rate us!**

1.What department were you specifically visiting and giving feedback on today?(Required.)
2.How easy was it to schedule an appointment with this department?
3.How long did you wait, beyond your appointment time, to be seen by the service provider?
4.How would you rate the overall care you received today from this provider (doctor, dentist, pharmacist, mental health therapist, transporter, etc.)?
5.How would you rate the overall care you received from check-in until you left this department?
6.Were your questions answered in an easy to understand manner by this department?
7.Did you leave this department today with an understanding of any follow up (appointments, referrals, etc.) that need to happen?
8.After contacting Yellowhawk for this need, how quick did you receive an appointment or service?
9.When was the last time you visited this department?
10.During this visit, did you feel you experienced any form of discrimination or did you feel staff expressed personal bias?
11.What barriers do you experience in keeping your appointments?
12.How likely are you to recommend Yellowhawk to a friend or family member?
13.What do you like the most about Yellowhawk and your visit today? (Please be specific and check all that apply)
14.What do you like the least about Yellowhawk and your visit today? Any suggestions on how we can improve? (Please be specific and check all that apply)
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered