You are invited to lend your voice and shape the future of engineering education by providing feedback on Preparing Engineering Students for the Future: Report of the Future-Ready Engineering Ecosystem (FREE) Workshops.

In the context of rapid and radical changes in technology and industry, there is a pressing need to change the way we educate students for the future of work. To address this need, The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) conducted a series of workshops to envision what competencies future engineers will need to meet the challenges of new and different ways of living and working.

The workshops resulted in two key outcomes: (1) FREE Competency Taxonomy (Table 4.2) and (2) Framework and Rubric for Action (Table 4.4), both of which are detailed in this report.

Please review the report (linked above) and then respond to the brief survey below.

This material is based upon work supported by the NSF under Grant No. EEC- 2042343.

Question Title

* 1. How well did the FREE Competency Taxonomy (Table 4.2) accomplish each the following:

  Not well at all Slightly well Moderately well Very well Extremely well
The taxonomy provides a clear and comprehensive definition of the key competencies needed for future engineers.
The taxonomy effectively reflects the current and emerging trends in engineering and technology.
The competencies outlined in the taxonomy are relevant for preparing engineers for the future workforce.

Question Title

* 2. What suggestions do you have to improve the FREE Competency Taxonomy?

Question Title

* 3. How well did the Framework and Rubric for Action (Table 4.4) accomplish each the following:

  Not well at all Slightly well Moderately well Very well Extremely well
The Framework and Rubric for Action effectively operationalize the identified competencies into actionable steps for engineering education.
The resources provided in the Framework and Rubric for Action can be easily implemented in current engineering curricula.
The Framework and Rubric for Action will significantly enhance the quality of engineering education in preparing students for future challenges.

Question Title

* 4. What suggestions do you have to improve the Framework and Rubric for Action?

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* 5. What challenges do you anticipate in implementing the Framework and Rubric for Action in engineering education?

Question Title

* 6. Please add any other comments about this project and/or report here.


Question Title

* 7. What do you believe is the most critical next step this project should take in order to equip engineers with the skills necessary for success in the future workplace?

Question Title

* 8. What specific suggestions or improvements would enhance the value of this work for you and your colleagues?

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* 9. What aspects of this project need more work? Why?


Question Title

* 10. Are you interested in being contacted regarding in the next phase of the FREE project? If yes or maybe, please provide your contact information below. If no, please skip and submit your response.

Question Title

* 11. Contact Information

Thank you for taking the time to provide your input. Your feedback is very important to us and will be essential to planning next steps and preparing today’s engineering students for the engineering challenges of tomorrow!

Please don't forget to click the "Done" button below to ensure that we receive your responses.