Town of Yarrow Point Middle Housing Survey

This survey is focused on understanding the perspective of Yarrow Point residents regarding middle housing. It is recommended that ahead of taking this survey you take some time to peruse the Town webpage on middle housing:

ADU - Accessory Dwelling Unit
DADU - Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit
HB - House Bill
1.Which of the following best describes your current housing status in Yarrow Point?(Required.)
2.How long have you lived in Yarrow Point?(Required.)
3.What is your age group?
4.What is your household size?
5.Do you have children under the age of 18 living in your household?
6.Did you take the Comprehensive Plan Survey?(Required.)
7.How would you prefer to engage with Town decision making?
8.How would you like to receive information about the changes in housing policies?
9.How familiar are you with the requirements of HB1110 (Middle Housing)?
10.What types of housing do you think would be most suitable for Yarrow Point? (select all that apply)
11.What levels of development do you support in Yarrow Point? (One Single Family Home + 1 ADU or 1 DADU is currently allowed which is one housing configuration that counts as 2 units.)
12.What are your main concerns or expectations regarding the impact of these housing policies on our community?
13.Do you feel that allowing for smaller, lower cost to maintain units could benefit residents and allow them to remain in the community longer; i.e. aging-in-place?
14.What kind of an impact will allowing a duplex, 2 unit Courtyard Apartment, or 2 cottage houses per lot have on Yarrow Point?
15.In your opinion, what measures should be taken to ensure the preservation of our community's character during the implementation of new housing policies?
16.Design guidelines can be created for middle housing, how important is it to you that the aesthetics of our community are preserved?
17.What would you like to see in place for residents or developers to comply with the new policies such as FAQs?
18.How do you anticipate the new housing policies will affect property values and desirability in Yarrow Point?
19.What level of concern do you have regarding the impact of increased housing density on local infrastructure such as roads and utilities?
20.How should the Town address potential challenges related to increased traffic and parking demands resulting from new housing density?
21.What level of concern do you have regarding changes to safety in the Town?
22.How important is transparency in the decision-making process related to the implementation of housing policies?
23.The state is requiring Yarrow Point to allow for a minimum of 2 units per lot (under HB1110). Please express your opinion regarding this state level requirement being mandated to Yarrow Point.
24.Is there anything else you would like to share or any additional comments you have regarding the middle housing policies?
25.If you would like to receive Town of Yarrow Point Informational emails please provide your email address. The Town will not share your email address.