Paid leave to survivors of domestic and sexual violence

Questions for survivors

We at BWSS are pleased to be collecting feedback pertaining to the province of British Columbia’s decision-making regarding changes to the Employment Standards Act to provide paid leave to domestic and sexual violence survivors. We are asking that you consider participating in this survey to help us advise the province on our positions as to what will best support the people our organization is serving, and DV and SV survivors everywhere.
1.1. What area are you in? (Select all that apply)
2.What is your age?
3.3. Background? Choose all that apply:
4.What is your employment status? Choose all that apply:
5.When coping with domestic or sexual violence in your life, how was your employment status affected? Please specify if you took time off, lost your job, were unable to work effectively, felt you needed to hide the abuse at work to keep job security, how changes in your routine affected your professional life, and how you managed to continue working if this was the case. If applicable.
6.If you left a relationship that was violent, would it have easier or made possible to do so sooner with paid leave? Choose all that apply.
7.If you could have had paid leave for domestic or sexual violence recovery or to support a family member, how many days do you think you would need? 

8.What would you have needed paid days off work for? Choose all that apply: 
9.Would you make the claim for paid leave if you had to provide a police report in order to claim leave?
10.Would you make the claim for paid leave if you were able to prove need with a support worker's letter?
11.Would you make the claim for paid leave if any documentation would make it impossible, as you wouldn't want to disclose?
12.Would you make the claim for paid leave if you weren't intent on leaving the relationship, but needed the time to go to family therapy and repair your relationship? 
13.Would you report the violence if it meant you would have access to paid leave? Why or why not?
14.What do you think is the most important thing the province needs to know about the provision of paid leave for domestic and sexual violence survivors? 
15.What concerns do you have about paid leave?
16.Enter your email address if you wish to be entered into the draw for the $50 gift certificate to My Sister's Closet. 
Current Progress,
0 of 16 answered