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1. Introduction

Hello! Our name is Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights). We’re so glad you found our survey!

What is this survey about?
We are writing a report about what life is like for babies, children and young people across Scotland. It will be called the State of Children's Rights Report 2024.

If you are under 18 then this survey is for you! We want to hear what life is like for you. What you tell us is completely up to you!

Parent/carer consent
If you are under 16 you will need permission from your parent or carer to do the survey. You don't have to show them your answers but you do have to check with them that it's okay to take part.

Do I need to answer every question?
No! Please skip any question you don't want to answer.

What will happen to my answers?
What you tell us will help us to write our report. We will try to use as many of your stories in the report as we can but we might use them in another way instead - for example in a meeting with Scottish Government.
Your stories are important wherever they go!

Who will see the report?
We will share the report with the Scottish Government, local councils, schools, police and other grown-ups. It will help them understand what’s important to you.

Will you know who I am?
No, this survey is anonymous. That means we won't be able to tell who you are.

We will ask some general questions about you - like your age and the area of Scotland where you live.

We will never ask for your real name. If you want, you can tell us a 'made up' name that you'd like us to use if your story goes in the report. This means that you will know which story is yours - but no-one else will be able to identify you.

Read Together's privacy policy here.
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