Exit this survey JP Student Application Question Title Thank you for taking the time to apply for Rock the World's Josiah Project!Currently, it is not possible to save your responses and return to finish the application later. We suggest you copy the questions below, write your responses, and return to fill in all your answers when you are ready. Please try to limit your responses to questions #3-7 to 500 words or less. Please submit this application by May 1st, unless you have contacted us to receive a deadline extension. When you are completely finished, be sure to press the "Done" button at the bottom of the page. Otherwise all your work will be lost!If you have questions as you fill out this application, please email us at josiahproject@rocktheworld.orgWe look forward to getting to know you and helping you sharpen your influence for the Kingdom of God! Question Title * 1. Please fill out your contact information below. Name: * Address 1: * Address 2: City/Town: * State/Province: ZIP/Postal Code: Country: * Email Address: * Phone Number: * Question Title * 2. A few more logistical questions: Home Church Person in charge of college ministry at home church College Church Person in charge of college ministry at college church Date you plan to graduate Languages you speak, and how well Dates of Spring Break this year Dates of Summer Break this year Question Title * 3. Describe your personal faith in God. Please include when and how you came to faith, one major step forward since then, and the current state of your relationship. Question Title * 4. Describe how God has changed someone else’s life through your ministry. Question Title * 5. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do because you are a Christian? Question Title * 6. If you could do one thing knowing beforehand that you would succeed, that you literally could not fail, what would you do? Question Title * 7. What are your leadership skills and spiritual gifts? Why do you think so? What experience do you have in positions of Christian leadership? Question Title * 8. On a scale from 1(low) to 10(high) rate yourself with regard to: 1 (low) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (high) courage courage 1 (low) courage 2 courage 3 courage 4 courage 5 courage 6 courage 7 courage 8 courage 9 courage 10 (high) initiative initiative 1 (low) initiative 2 initiative 3 initiative 4 initiative 5 initiative 6 initiative 7 initiative 8 initiative 9 initiative 10 (high) persistence persistence 1 (low) persistence 2 persistence 3 persistence 4 persistence 5 persistence 6 persistence 7 persistence 8 persistence 9 persistence 10 (high) tact tact 1 (low) tact 2 tact 3 tact 4 tact 5 tact 6 tact 7 tact 8 tact 9 tact 10 (high) organization organization 1 (low) organization 2 organization 3 organization 4 organization 5 organization 6 organization 7 organization 8 organization 9 organization 10 (high) chastity chastity 1 (low) chastity 2 chastity 3 chastity 4 chastity 5 chastity 6 chastity 7 chastity 8 chastity 9 chastity 10 (high) honesty honesty 1 (low) honesty 2 honesty 3 honesty 4 honesty 5 honesty 6 honesty 7 honesty 8 honesty 9 honesty 10 (high) trustworthiness trustworthiness 1 (low) trustworthiness 2 trustworthiness 3 trustworthiness 4 trustworthiness 5 trustworthiness 6 trustworthiness 7 trustworthiness 8 trustworthiness 9 trustworthiness 10 (high) teachability teachability 1 (low) teachability 2 teachability 3 teachability 4 teachability 5 teachability 6 teachability 7 teachability 8 teachability 9 teachability 10 (high) stability stability 1 (low) stability 2 stability 3 stability 4 stability 5 stability 6 stability 7 stability 8 stability 9 stability 10 (high) sobriety sobriety 1 (low) sobriety 2 sobriety 3 sobriety 4 sobriety 5 sobriety 6 sobriety 7 sobriety 8 sobriety 9 sobriety 10 (high) loyalty to friends loyalty to friends 1 (low) loyalty to friends 2 loyalty to friends 3 loyalty to friends 4 loyalty to friends 5 loyalty to friends 6 loyalty to friends 7 loyalty to friends 8 loyalty to friends 9 loyalty to friends 10 (high) humility humility 1 (low) humility 2 humility 3 humility 4 humility 5 humility 6 humility 7 humility 8 humility 9 humility 10 (high) loyalty to God loyalty to God 1 (low) loyalty to God 2 loyalty to God 3 loyalty to God 4 loyalty to God 5 loyalty to God 6 loyalty to God 7 loyalty to God 8 loyalty to God 9 loyalty to God 10 (high) self-image self-image 1 (low) self-image 2 self-image 3 self-image 4 self-image 5 self-image 6 self-image 7 self-image 8 self-image 9 self-image 10 (high) integrity integrity 1 (low) integrity 2 integrity 3 integrity 4 integrity 5 integrity 6 integrity 7 integrity 8 integrity 9 integrity 10 (high) teamwork teamwork 1 (low) teamwork 2 teamwork 3 teamwork 4 teamwork 5 teamwork 6 teamwork 7 teamwork 8 teamwork 9 teamwork 10 (high) flexibility flexibility 1 (low) flexibility 2 flexibility 3 flexibility 4 flexibility 5 flexibility 6 flexibility 7 flexibility 8 flexibility 9 flexibility 10 (high) compassion compassion 1 (low) compassion 2 compassion 3 compassion 4 compassion 5 compassion 6 compassion 7 compassion 8 compassion 9 compassion 10 (high) sense of humor sense of humor 1 (low) sense of humor 2 sense of humor 3 sense of humor 4 sense of humor 5 sense of humor 6 sense of humor 7 sense of humor 8 sense of humor 9 sense of humor 10 (high) responsibility responsibility 1 (low) responsibility 2 responsibility 3 responsibility 4 responsibility 5 responsibility 6 responsibility 7 responsibility 8 responsibility 9 responsibility 10 (high) openness/vulnerability openness/vulnerability 1 (low) openness/vulnerability 2 openness/vulnerability 3 openness/vulnerability 4 openness/vulnerability 5 openness/vulnerability 6 openness/vulnerability 7 openness/vulnerability 8 openness/vulnerability 9 openness/vulnerability 10 (high) comfort exercising authority comfort exercising authority 1 (low) comfort exercising authority 2 comfort exercising authority 3 comfort exercising authority 4 comfort exercising authority 5 comfort exercising authority 6 comfort exercising authority 7 comfort exercising authority 8 comfort exercising authority 9 comfort exercising authority 10 (high) need to be in charge need to be in charge 1 (low) need to be in charge 2 need to be in charge 3 need to be in charge 4 need to be in charge 5 need to be in charge 6 need to be in charge 7 need to be in charge 8 need to be in charge 9 need to be in charge 10 (high) responsiveness to authority responsiveness to authority 1 (low) responsiveness to authority 2 responsiveness to authority 3 responsiveness to authority 4 responsiveness to authority 5 responsiveness to authority 6 responsiveness to authority 7 responsiveness to authority 8 responsiveness to authority 9 responsiveness to authority 10 (high) Any comments: Read this stuff and THEN PRESS THE DONE BUTTON BELOW!! NEXT STEPS: (Be sure to read all of these... they are important! AND BE SURE TO PRESS THE DONE BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED. Your application will not be submitted unless you press "Done.")1. Send your pastor or minister a link to the “JP Pastor Recommendation" and impress them with the need to get it back to us by May 1st. If you’re active in different parishes at home and at college, you may gain more prayer and financial support by getting recommendations from both places.2. Figure out who your advocate is. Pick someone from your church at home and/or at college who knows you, is well known and respected in the church, and is willing and able to work the communications and outreach/missions funding system of the church on your behalf. Talk to them about this, then send them this link to their "JP Advocate Nomination" immediately (unless they gave this stuff to you). DO NOT WAIT TO FINISH YOUR APPLICATION BEFORE YOU SEND YOUR ADVOCATE THEIR STUFF. Their form takes a while to complete, and we need it by May 1st too.3. If someone else has mentored you in the faith, and therefore knows you a lot better than your advocate, send them the same link you sent your advocate, and tell them to mention in the form that they are your MENTOR, not your advocate. (Note: A mentor does not replace an advocate, but their recommendation is an optional addition to your application.)***Links to all these forms, either as downloadable PDFs or online forms (like this one) can be found at www.rocktheworld.org/josiahproject***4. If you have any other information that addresses our criteria for the Josiah Project, please submit it by email to josiahproject@rocktheworld.org, or by mail to Rock the World, PO Box 43, Ambridge, PA 15003. For example, a copy of a recommendation for your college application, or a sample of your ability to communicate the gospel (video file, CD/MP3 recording, article, etc., along with the approximate date when it was produced). We will not reproduce them without your permission.5. We may follow up this written application with an interview in person or on the telephone. If we do, here are some more questions you may want to think about that we may ask you:• What is your major? What degree do you plan to receive? Why?• If you didn’t answer this in the last question, what are you planning to do as a career?• What ministry are you exercising at college?• What aspects of the Josiah Project strike you as interesting or exciting?• What aspects of the Josiah Project strike you as difficult, unattractive, or downright frightening?• The Josiah Project focuses on youth ministry as a way to learn about Christian leadership and the overall mission of the Church. What do you think about using this approach?• Some inner-city and overseas ministry projects in which we will serve will take us into situations that are not entirely safe or predictable. How do you feel about volunteering in such situations? • Are there any tasks associated with this project (cleaning toilets, leading devotions, supervising construction, preaching, mixing cement, doing street evangelism, etc.) which you could not do? What and why?• This group could include people who disagree on various issues such as charismatic phenomenon, what sorts of people the Church should ordain, etc. How would you respond to those who differ from you?• Is there anything else you would like us to know about you? Done