Submission #31 - Literary Artist: Open Verse Poetry
“Day Interrupted”
I wrote, "Day Interrupted" on July 14, 2022 to enter the employee art contest. I brainstormed and decided on something that I felt everyone could relate to. Recently and far too often children are killed in mass school shootings. I have a 14 year old son and a 7 year old daughter. I remember thinking that I wouldn't know what to do if I received a call that my babies were not coming home! I channeled those emotions and was able to write this content.
“Bye Mommy, I love you! I’ll see you later!”
Her mother blows her a kiss and waves as she loads the school bus.
Childish banter and laughter echoes as the children travel to school.
The girl smiles and shares LOL Surprises with her best friend.
Her mother laces her sneakers and heads to the track for her daily run.
The girl exits the bus, glances at the sun, places her hand above her eyes, then runs inside the school.
Her mother places her ear pods in her ears and stretches to prepare for her run.
The girl places her belongings in her cubby and eagerly sits by her friend in class.
Her mother takes off into a sprint, pounding the pavement as she’s being kissed by the sun.
The girl raises her hand to answer a question the teacher asks.
Her mother finishes her run, then heads to the grocery store.
The man takes cover in the shadows to remain undetected.
The girl groups into pairs to complete an assignment.
Her mother squeezes tomatoes to check their ripeness.
The man enters the building and remains out of sight.
The girl can only see darkness. No more friendly banter only cries for help!
Her mother carries groceries into the house and starts preparing dinner.
The man is still there and will not rest until there is darkness all around him.
The girl sees a light. Only this time she can not place her hand over her eyes to shield it!
It’s pulling her near and it’s brighter than any light she has ever seen!
Her mother places the pan in the oven and sets the timer.
The man is no longer hiding in the darkness. All his sins have been brought to light.
The girl looks to her right and sees her best friend.
They hold hands.
The mothers’ phone rings and everything goes dark.