Thank you for attending the 49th Annual Spring Symposium at the National Press Club in Washington, DC last week. In an effort to help NTA improve future Spring Symposia, please fill out this short survey by Friday, June 7th. It should take no more than 10 minutes.

Thank you for your time and your continued support of NTA!

Question Title

* 1. Overall, what is your level of satisfaction with the Spring Symposium?

Question Title

* 2. The Spring Symposium offers attendees a number of different opportunities. Please rank the following conference opportunities on a scale of 1 – 6, 1 indicates the opportunity you value most, 6 indicates the opportunity you value the least.

Question Title

* 3. How important were the following in your decision to attend the Spring Symposium?

  Very Important Somewhat Important Neutral Somewhat Unimportant Not At All Important
Conference registration fee
Travel and hotel cost
Luncheon speakers
Session speakers
Sessions that I expected would be of high quality
Sessions that were closely linked to my interests
Sessions on topics relevant to current policy debate

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the quality of the sessions from the Spring Symposium.

  Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A
Uncertainty, Opening Panel Discussion
Unfunded Retirement Liabilities
Thursday Luncheon, Lael Brainard
TCJA's International Provisions--Reflections on the First Year
Overlapping Generations Model Roundtable: Model Comparisons from a Stylized Social Security Experiment
Alternative Revenue Sources and Sin Taxes
State and Local Sales Taxes in the Post-Wayfair Era
Friday Luncheon, Dana Trier
Digital Taxes

Question Title

* 5. Which sessions were most relevant in your day to day work?

  Very Relevant Relevant Somewhat Relevant Not Relevant N/A
Uncertainty, Opening Panel Discussion
Unfunded Retirement Liabilities
Thursday Luncheon, Lael Brainard
TCJA's International Provisions--Reflections on the First Year
Overlapping Generations Model Roundtable: Model Comparisons from a Stylized Social Security Experiment
Alternative Revenue Sources and Sin Taxes
State and Local Sales Taxes in the Post-Wayfair Era
Friday Luncheon, Dana Trier
Digital Taxes

Question Title

* 7. Please leave any general comments about the Spring Symposium that would help us improve future Spring Symposia.