Church Admin Survey Question Title * 1. What is your title Church Secretary Administrative Assistant Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 2. Are you paid staff or a volunteer? Paid Volunteer OK Question Title * 3. How many hours per week are you in the office? 10-20 21-40 I office at home and work app _____hours OK Question Title * 4. What are your biggest Challenges? OK Question Title * 5. What are your goals for this year? OK Question Title * 6. What one thing do you need help with right now? OK Question Title * 7. If you could change anything in your daily routine what would it be? OK Question Title * 8. In a typical day, which of the following social networking websites do you use most often? Facebook Twitter Instagram I don't use Social media Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 9. What do you enjoy most about your position? OK Question Title * 10. What to you dislike about your position? OK DONE