As you may be aware funding for disability advocacy across New South Wales has been under threat with no guarantee to date of continued funding by the NSW government. As a member of an organisation that is currently still receiving this funding, which will end in December 2020, we are seeking your input on the importance of advocacy in your life.

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* 1. Postcode (answer required)

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* 2. Your age (or if completing on behalf of a person with disability, their age - answer required)

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* 3. How many times have you used a disability advocacy service?

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* 4. What type of advocacy service did you use? Please tick all that apply

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* 5. Why did you use a disability advocacy service? Please tick all that apply

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* 6. How satisfied were you in your experience with a disability advocacy service? 0=extremely dissatisfied; 10=extremely satisfied

0 5 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 7. Do you think you will need to access advocacy services again in the future?

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* 8. Our disability advocacy organisation has no guarantee of funding in NSW post-December 2020. If advocacy services close, what impact would this have on you?

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* 9. In your own words, what do you see as the impact of this on your day to day life?

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* 10. Are you willing to provide your story as a case study to ensure that disability advocacy organisations continue to be funded post Jan 2020? (answer required)