This Survey is intended for active AMA pattern pilots (NSRCA members or not). For 2015, all AMA class schedules will be changed. Over the past year or so, the sequence committee has received a lot of feedback on the current sequences and the difficulty level of each. With data from this survey, the committee will begin to develop new sequences and hopefully satisfy the majority of the pattern community, within the guidelines. We would encourage everyone to read through the current sequence development guide, to better understand the goals set forth for each class. This guide can be found here on the NSRCA web site:

In answering these questions, try to answer for how difficult you believe the sequence should be, based on the goals in our guide and your experiences, not relative to your current ability to execute the sequence.

Dale Olstinske
NSRCA District 7
Sequence Committee Chairman

Question Title

* 2. How long have you been in your current class?

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* 3. 4. How do you feel about your current sequence (AMA classes only)?

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* 4. If the goal is to attract more pilots to pattern competition, is the current sportsman pattern:

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* 5. Should there be a separate non-turnaround entry class?

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* 6. What is your current competition class?