1. Default Section

100% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. What is your primary personal computer?


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* 2. What is your operating system for the computer identified above?

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* 3. How old is your computer?

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* 4. What is your computer processor?

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* 5. How much RAM does your computer have?

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* 6. What are your chief concerns about your computer? Please pick at least two and up to four responses out of the following:

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* 7. When you have computer problems, where do you go for help? What worries you the most about your options?

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* 8. Do you intend to purchase a new computer?

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* 9. Are you willing to actively monitor, that is, pay attention to, your computer's running parameters such as CPU temperature, CPU usage, and fan speed if they are displayed discreetly and conveniently on the Desktop?