Please note that the information submitted is confidential and will not be disclosed

Should you require any assistance with completing this legal document, please contact legal@hypercheck when completing this document

Question Title

* 1. Full name and surname as per Identity Document

Question Title

* 2. Date engaged


Question Title

* 4. Employed or Consultant

Question Title

* 5. Are you a fulltime/part time employee of any company, organization, trust or business other than Hypercheck (Pty) Ltd? (If Yes , provide details)

Question Title

* 6. Do you earn any commission / rebate / bulk discount with any company? (If Yes , provide details)

Question Title

* 7. Are you providing any services to any competitors, supplier or related party of Hypercheck or any of its subsidiaries or sister companies? (If Yes , provide details)

Question Title

* 8. Do you have any financial or nonfinancial interest in any company trust or organization as a Director, partner or other capacity? (If Yes , provide details)

Question Title

* 9. Do you or any immediate family member have any relationship with any Hypercheck Supplier, Service provider, contractor or other (as an employee, agent, Director, or other). If yes, kindly answer the following:

1. Full name of Entity
2. Capacity /Position within Entity
3.Relation to Connected Person Within Entity
4. Detail of Services/Trade the company is involved in

Question Title

* 10. I declare the above information is accurate and complete