Welcome to the Amref International University Mentorship requisition communication platform. The University believes that to produce competent and fit for purpose human resource for health there is need for our students to undergo deliberate mentorship and coaching in their respective areas of interest .Mentorship support for students is meant to address both academic and non-academic areas of growth. This platform will also help us identify some of the areas our learners need mentorship support thus giving us the opportunity to map out resourceful student mentors for long-term support of our institution. Areas of mentorship could be academic or non-academic e.g. proposal writing, publishing, clinical skills, communication skills, time management, preparing of presentations etc.
A mentor refers to a qualified and experienced resource person who enters into a formal arrangement with a learner to provide educational and personal support within the desired period of time. In mentorship there is long-term passing on of support, guidance and advice from experienced to less experienced member. To impact on the mentorship needs of our students, the university (through the Dean of students office) labors to identify suitable mentors who can take students through all the stages of mentorship support using accompanying, sowing, showing, catalyzing and harvesting techniques.
To our esteemed students please note that sessions with your mentors can be held physically or virtually depending on the arrangement you make with your mentor. Also note that student mentors can be AMIU staff members or where there is no internal resource person to address your area of interest , the Dean of students may labor to identify an external resource person of your choice. Therefore, Students are free to also indicate whom they wish to mentor them internally or externally to meet individual needs. However as you make choices do consider availability and accessibility of the resource person you are identifying. Internal AMIU mentors will not charge students any fee. Where an external mentor (identified by the student) needs some facilitation, it will be upon the student to meet the cost.
With time, the University shall establish a pool of mentors or a mentors database subject to experience and observations the university will have made on the students’ preferred list of mentors.