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To help better familiarize you with the National Spasmodic Dysphonia Association website,, we’ve put together a scavenger hunt for information from the site. By getting to know what the site offers, you can share even more resources with the people you are supporting in your role with the NSDA. Thank you for your commitment to our community!

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* 1. Healthcare Referral List | The NSDA maintains a worldwide healthcare referral list for patients to find experts in voice. Locate the medical professional listed for Santiago, Chile. Is this person a(n):

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* 2. NSDA Store | The NSDA offers a variety of educational and awareness materials. The wallet cards are easy to carry and a great way to let others know that you have spasmodic dysphonia. How many different wallet cards are offered in the store?

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* 3. Spasmodic Dysphonia and Related Voice Conditions | The NSDA is dedicated to improving lives of people affected by spasmodic dysphonia and related voice conditions through research, education, awareness, and support. One of the related conditions is vocal cord paralysis (VCP). Locate and read the description about the two types of VCP. Answer the following: True or false, the stated difference between vocal cord paralysis and paresis is the difference in mobility of the vocal cord.

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* 4. Local Support Groups | The NSDA sponsors local support groups in the United States and Canada. Find the listing for support groups for Pennsylvania. How many are listed?

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* 5. Virtual Support Meetings | The NSDA provides virtual support worldwide by hosting online support group meetings. Which support group has a virtual meeting planned for May 6, 2021?

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* 6. Your Journey | Navigating the personal impact of a voice disorder can be very challenging. The website offers tools that you can refer to anytime you need. Which of the following is  not included in “Your Toolbox?”

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* 7. Your Journey | Words are powerful. They can build up or tear down. Sometimes, our family, friends, and acquaintances can say things that are not intended to harm, but negatively impact how we feel about our voice disorders. Under the Your Journey section, find Educating the Public and Building Sensitivity. In the survey conducted among 700 people living with SD, what was the most common reaction when people heard the participants speak?

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* 8. About SD | Treatments for SD are limited. With the funding support from NSDA, there are new treatments on the horizon. Find Future Treatments under the About SD section. Of the four treatment options listed, who is researching an Implantable Electric Stimulator?

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* 9. Research | We want a cure. To help advance research, the NSDA provides information about how people can participate in research trials. Under the Participate in Research page, which SD clinical research trial is not being conducted in Boston, MA?

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* 10. Social Media Accounts | The NSDA watches and responds to the news. We are also active in social media. We currently use all of the following social media platforms except________?

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* 11. NSDA Boards | The NSDA is led by a Board of Directors and there are multiple advisory boards that provide guidance and direction. How many current members are on the NSDA Medical Advisory Board?

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* 12. Contact Information

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