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1. Introduction

This survey is being administered by the statewide Nevada Small Business Development Center in partnership with the Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development and other organizations throughout the state that support small businesses.

The goal of this survey is to identify the challenges that small businesses throughout Nevada are facing and to understand how those challenges vary by stage of business, geography, and industry.

The results of this survey will be used to adapt the business services of Nevada-based non-profit and government organizations and to aid in pursuing federal, state, and local grant opportunities for small businesses. The summary results will be made available to the public through the NevadaSBDC Newsletter.

Eligible respondents to this survey include:
  • Owners of for-profit, small businesses that have operations in Nevada
  • Individuals looking to start for-profit, small businesses that will have operations in Nevada
If you choose to participate, you will be submitting all your answers anonymously.

If you have any questions or technical difficulties, please email us at survey@NevadaSBDC.org.

*For purposes of this survey, in general, a "small" business is one that has less than 500 employees. If your business has more employees than that but you believe your business is small by U.S. SBA standards, please check and verify that using the SBA Table of Size Standards before completing this survey.

**For this survey, a “startup” is defined as a business founded with the intention of developing a scalable business model that will likely seek venture capital to help fuel its growth.

Question Title

* 1. How would you describe yourself?