Urban Workstream Survey

This survey should take 3-4 minutes to complete, and your responses are completely anonymous.
1.Leadership: Decision-making was consistent, well communicated and done in consultation with the relevant parties.(Required.)
2.Team Culture: The project fostered an environment of honesty, mutual support and respect.(Required.)
3.Team Culture: Individuals were supported when they found conditions stressful.(Required.)
4.Alliance Relationships: The combined urban consultant and urban client team decision-making process with regards to the day-to-day scope, programme, roles and responsibilities was effective.(Required.)
5.Alliance Relationships: The urban workstream worked seamlessly together in the best interest of the project.(Required.)
6.Organisational: The Urban team felt valued by other teams and had equal say in the outcomes.(Required.)
7.Methodology: The outline methodology in the RFP served the project well.(Required.)
8.Methodology: Highly creative multi-disciplinary processes were used to resolve design and strategy challenges.(Required.)
9.Programme: The timeframes were adequate for the required outputs.(Required.)
10.Outputs: The following outputs were of a high standard.(Required.)
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Context Analysis Report
Corridor Strategy (50%)
Provisional Catchment Development Frameworks (20%)
Urban Regeneration Areas Report
Route and Station Optioneering Report
Wesley Town Centre Concept
Urban Uplift Modelling and Reporting
Presentations to ALR Board, Urban Huihuinga, Tūāpapa
11.Experience: The project was a positive personal and professional experience for me.(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered