South Brown County USD 430: Strategic Plan Survey

South Brown County USD 430 is excited to share that we are developing a 5-year strategic plan to continue to provide our school community with a common vision. We are in the process of developing 4-5 areas of focus and action steps for the next 5 years. The purpose of this survey is to gather your feedback regarding areas of focus and action steps that we should consider to continuously improve our schools for students, staff, and families.

Please take a few minutes to provide us with your anonymous thoughts and feedback. If you are not able to answer all of these questions, that is okay. Any suggestions and comments that you can provide are extremely valuable in helping us create our strategic plan.
1.Please select the school(s) that your child(ren) attend. (Please select all that apply)(Required.)
2.What would you describe as your primary role when completing this survey?(Required.)
3.Please rate each of the items about our School District, based on what you know, by using the scale provided. N/A can be used if you are not able to rate an area.
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Early Childhood Education
Graduation Rate
Student Academic Performance
Maintenance of Facilities
Extra Curricular Activities
School Safety
4.If you rated any of the items above as "Not Satisfied," could you please explain or tell us more?
5.Please share with us how satisfied you are, based on what you know, in each of the following areas. N/A can be used if you are not able to rate an area.
Very Satisfied
Not Satisfied
School climate and culture...the "feel" of our schools
Communication you receive from the schools
How students and staff respect each other's differences
The relationships built between staff and students
The relationships built between staff and families
The programs offered to students to meet their social/emotional needs 
The core curriculum offered to students meets their academic needs
The district's ability to prepare students for success 
6.If you rated any of the items above as "Not Satisfied," could you please explain or tell us more?
7.What suggestions do you have to help our school district prepare students for success now and in the future?
8.What suggestions do you have as we consider additional ways to support the learning needs of students and staff?
9.What suggestions do you have to help us increase communication, involvement, and engagement among schools, families, and communities?
10.What suggestions do you have to help us improve our operational effectiveness and facility maintenance?
11.What additional suggestions or considerations would you like to share with us as we develop a long-term, 5-year strategic plan?
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered