Dear participant,

Thank you for attending the 5th IAHR Young Professionals Congress which we hope you found stimulating!

We would love to receive your feedback and testimonies - so it can be taken in account when preparing for next editions!

Best wishes,

The Organising Committee

Question Title

* 1. Your carrer stage

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* 2. Did you attend the 5th YP Congress?

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* 3. How many YP Congresses have you attended?

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* 4. Have you presented in one of the last Congresses?

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* 5. If yes, did presenting help in developing your research? How?

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* 6. How would you rate the submission and presenting procedures for the congress?

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* 7. Did you encounter any practical difficulties during the congress related to submission or presenting?

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* 8. Was the provided information sufficient to prepare and present your work?

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* 9. Will you recommend the YP Congress to others?

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* 10. Please give your opinion regarding the quality, relevance and presentation of the following:

  Excellent Good Adequate Poor Not applicable

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* 11. Do you like the topic of the Keynote "Bedload transport and bed morphology in partially ice-covered channels"?

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* 12. Do you like the topic of the Keynote "Impact from El Niño Phenomenon and Climate Variability at a Large and Local Scale on the Flows of the Piura and Rímac Rivers"?

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* 13. What topics of Keynote would you like to see in the next YP Congress?

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* 14. Please give at most three suggestions on how to improve YP Congresses in the future.

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* 15. Your overall rating of the 5th YP Congress is

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* 16. Are you willing to present and/or attend in the 6th YP Congress?

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* 17. If your answer was no, why not consider presenting and/or attending the Congress?

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* 18. How would you rate congress dates and schedule

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* 19. How would you rate the congress format

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* 20. How do you rate the time needed to prepare for the congress

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* 21. If you attended the congress but did not submit an abstract, please indicate why:

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* 22. What factors would make you consider submitting an abstract in the future?

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* 23. Please leave any testimonies that you would like to share with others in the IAHR website!