Survey for Organizational Leaders and Managers

This survey is designed to help NRDC understand the needs and successes of organizations and their leaders. Taking this survey is anonymous but will help us develop and optimize services, training, and advocacy for leaders, especially BIPOC leaders.

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* 1. What is your ethnicity/race? Check all that apply.

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. What is your organization's sector

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* 4. Which of the following best describes the principal industry of your organization?

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* 5. What is your organization's zip code?

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* 6. Please rank your confidence in your capacity in each of the following skill areas.

  Not at all confident Somewhat confident Confident Very confident Not Applicable/Decline to State
Finding and selecting appropriate grant opportunities
Writing and submitting grant proposals
Sustaining a project after it is funded (fiscal compliance, reporting, finding ways to sustain services beyond the grant)
Developing goals, measurable objectives, and logic models
Volunteer recruitment/management and community engagement
Engaging other nonprofit organizations as partners
Engaging the support of local government leaders and agencies
Engaging the support or participation of businesses
Developing budgets and timelines

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* 7. Has your organization ever received a grant?

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* 8. Related to funding your organization, what do you feel are the biggest needs for assistance your organization faces? Check all that apply.

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* 9. How did you find out about us/this event? (Check all that apply.)

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* 10. Is there anything else you want to share to help us optimize assistance for organizations like yours?