MUFON Experiencer Survey
"Informed Consent Agreement"

The purpose of this study is to identify common traits among ET contact experiencers.
As a participant, you will be asked to complete the questionnaire, answering all of the questions. Participants should have some recall of the non-human entities they encountered and the procedures performed in an alien environment. A small group of participants may be asked to take part in a qualitative study, at a later date. However, you are not required to do so. If you do not meet the requirements for this survey, but wish to speak with a member of MUFON's Experiencer Research Team, please visit the following link and complete the ERT's Experiencer Questionnaire:
Discomfort and Risks:
Please understand that you may experience some increased anxiety over what you recall or decide to disclose with regard to your experiences. By completing this questionnaire you agree to hold MUFON and its members harmless for any discomforts or risks you experience.
Voluntary Participation:
Your decision to participate in this research study is strictly voluntary. There will be no financial compensation for your part in the study.
Statement of Anonymity:
Any data collected for publication/presentation, as the result of your participation in this study, will not include your identity. 
I have read the complete consent form and have been given the opportunity to ask questions. I agree to participate as a volunteer in this study. I have been given the opportunity to print a copy of this form for my files. By completing this questionnaire, I agree that I have read the "Informed Consent Form" and give MUFON and its volunteers consent to use my questionnaire as part of its research project.

Thank you for supporting our research through your participation. 

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* 1. What is your gender?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. What is your age?

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* 4. What age were you when you had your first experience?

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* 5. What time zone do you reside in?

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* 6. How many times do you believe you’ve been taken?

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* 7. What is the origin of your ethnic group? (Check all that apply.)

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* 8. What is your blood type?

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* 9. What was your childhood family structure?

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* 10. Were you adopted?

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* 11. Have other family members observed a UFO close up?

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* 12. Have other family members experienced abductions/ET contact experiences?

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* 13. If so, who are they? Check all that apply.

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* 14. Did you participate in a religious faith prior to this event?

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* 15. Has your ET contact experience changed your religious beliefs?

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* 16. If your ET contact experience has changed your religious beliefs, are you...

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* 17. Did you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials prior to your event?

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* 18. Was your ET contact experience any of the following? (Check all that apply.)

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* 19. Have you observed a UFO?

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* 20. Do you recall having a close encounter with a UFO at less that 500 feet in the distance? (Check all that apply)

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* 21. Where were you when you had the close encounter with a UFO? (Check all that apply.)

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* 22. If you had a close encounter with a UFO at less than 500 feet, were there witnesses with you?

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* 23. Do you have conscious, continuous recall of the observation of non-human or alien entities? (Not with hypnosis, dreams, or flashbacks)

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* 24. If you have experienced "missing time" and you believe it was ET contact related, how long was it?

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* 25. Was your missing time event associated with the sighting of a UFO?

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* 26. Have you had one or more experiences where you awakened unable to move your body or cry out?

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* 27. Have you been awake and able to move your body, but observed a non-human/ET presence and became paralyzed?

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* 28. Have you awakened to find yourself dressed in someone else's clothing without a commonplace explanation?

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* 29. Have you awakened to find yourself dressed in your own clothing, only it was inside out or backwards and without a commonplace explanation?

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* 30. Do you have conscious memories of moving through the air under someone else's control and there is no commonplace explanation for this?

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* 31. If non-human entities were transporting you through the air, did you feel like you were riding on an elevator?

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* 32. Do you have conscious recall of finding yourself in a non-human or alien environment?

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* 33. If you have found yourself in an alien environment, were you...(Check all that apply.)

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* 34. Do you have conscious, continuous memories of being examined by non-humans in an alien environment?

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* 35. Have you had recurring dreams/nightmares of UFOs, aliens or close encounters?

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* 36. Have you experienced the sensation that you will have an abduction/ET contact experience that night or in the near future and it happened?

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* 37. If you experienced the sensation that you would soon be abducted/contacted, was it though the following? (Check all that apply.)

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* 38. Have you attempted to "call in" alien craft and had one appear?

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* 39. If you attempted to call in alien craft and one appeared, how large was it?

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* 40. Have you experienced any of the following? (Check all that apply.)

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* 41. Have you noticed strange marks on your body for which you have no commonplace explanation? 

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* 42. If you've noticed strange marks on your body for which you have no commonplace explanation were they any of the following? (Check all that apply.)

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* 43. Have you experienced any of the following unexplained health problems soon after an abduction/ET contact event?

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* 44. Have you ever felt or otherwise noted a foreign object in your body that has no ordinary medical explanation?

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* 45. If you have felt what you suspect is an alien implant, where is it located?

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* 46. If you have had your suspected "implant" tested, did it respond to any of the following? (Check all that apply.)

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* 47. Do you have difficulty falling asleep at night?

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* 48. Do you have difficult remaining asleep at night?

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* 49. If you have difficulty falling asleep or remaining asleep at night, is it related to your fear of abduction or ET contact?

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* 50. Have you unexpectedly found that you have a greater tolerance of bright light after a UFO sighting or ET contact event?

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* 51. Have you unexpectedly found that you are more sensitive to light after a UFO or ET contact event?

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* 52. Have you noticed that you crave an excessive amount of salt after an abduction/ET contect event?

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* 53. As a child, were you usually happy and without unusual highs and lows?

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* 54. As an adult, are you usually happy and without unusual highs and lows?

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* 55. If you were unhappy as a child or adult, was it related to your abduction or ET contact experiences?

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* 56. Were you raised in a military family?

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* 57. Have you observed the military and ETs working together?

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* 58. Have you been harassed by "Men in Black"?

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* 59. Have you observed unmarked, black helicopters hovering low above your home

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* 60. Have you observed what you believe is the ETs and the military working together?

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* 61. Has someone that you suspect is a government agent threatened or attempted to intimidate you?

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* 62. Has your computer or phone been hacked?

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* 63. Have you experienced the sensation of unexplained motion in your mattress, such as the feeling that something unseen is walking on your bed?

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* 64. Have you experienced malfunctions in electrical equipment after an abduction/ET contact event? If so, what? (Check all that apply.)

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* 65. If so, have these malfunctions occurred in a cluster within hours of your ET contact event?

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* 66. Have you witnessed any of the following in your home?

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* 67. Has your intuitive or psychic ability increased in association with your abductions/ET contact events?

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* 68. Are other family members psychic or intuitive?

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* 69. If other family members are psychic or intuitive, who are they? (Check all that apply.)

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* 70. Do you believe you've acquired the ability to heal others in association with your abduction/ET contact events?

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* 71. Have you been healed from a physical condition or disease in association with an abduction/ET contact event?

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* 72. Has information regarding the Earth's future been given to you by non-humans or ETs?

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* 73. If you were given information regarding the Earth's future by non-human entities that you thought were ETs, what was it? 

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* 74. Have you been taught to fly an ET craft?

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* 75. Have you been part of a mass abduction/ET contact experience?

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* 76. Have you met someone on Earth that you recognized from an earlier abduction/ET contact event?

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* 77. If you recognized someone that you had previously met during an abduction/ET contact experience, did they remember you?

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* 78. Have you had a near death experience?

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* 79. Have the ETs given you knowledge with regard to their ultimate goals? 

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* 80. If the ETs have  given you knowledge with regard to their ultimate goals, what is it?

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* 81. Have the ETs given you extraordinary knowledge of their science or technology?

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* 82. If you have been given extraordinary knowledge of science or technology, are you willing to speak with a PhD level scientist about this?

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* 83. If the ETs indicated where they are from, what did they tell you?

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* 84. Have you been shown a star map by the ETs?

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* 85. Do you now or have you ever experienced an unexpected or disproportionate fear reaction to any of the following? (Check all that apply.)

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* 86. Do you feel that your experiences have been any of the following?

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* 87. How did you feel when you first found yourself in the presence of non-humans/ ETs? (Check all that apply.)

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* 88. How did you feel during your experience in an alien/ET environment. (Check all that apply.)

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* 89. How did you feel when your experience in an alien/ET environment had ended. (Check all that apply.)

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* 90. If you could end your abductions/ET contact experiences today, would you?

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* 91. If you felt terrified about an abduction/ET contact experience, what triggered your fear response? (Check all that apply.)

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* 92. Do you feel special because you are an abductee/experiencer?

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* 93. Have your experiences given you a special role, mission or purpose for your life?

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* 94. If your experiences have given you a special role, mission or purpose for your life, what is it?

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* 95. Have the ETs made you aware of an impending apocalyptic or disastrous event on Earth? 

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* 96. If the ETs have made you aware of an impending apocalyptic or disastrous event on Earth what is it?