Experiencer Survey |
MUFON Experiencer Survey
"Informed Consent Agreement"
The purpose of this study is to identify common traits among ET contact experiencers.
As a participant, you will be asked to complete the questionnaire, answering all of the questions. Participants should have some recall of the non-human entities they encountered and the procedures performed in an alien environment. A small group of participants may be asked to take part in a qualitative study, at a later date. However, you are not required to do so. If you do not meet the requirements for this survey, but wish to speak with a member of MUFON's Experiencer Research Team, please visit the following link and complete the ERT's Experiencer Questionnaire: www.mufon.com/experiencer-questionnaire.html/
Discomfort and Risks:
Please understand that you may experience some increased anxiety over what you recall or decide to disclose with regard to your experiences. By completing this questionnaire you agree to hold MUFON and its members harmless for any discomforts or risks you experience.
Voluntary Participation:
Your decision to participate in this research study is strictly voluntary. There will be no financial compensation for your part in the study.
Statement of Anonymity:
Any data collected for publication/presentation, as the result of your participation in this study, will not include your identity.
I have read the complete consent form and have been given the opportunity to ask questions. I agree to participate as a volunteer in this study. I have been given the opportunity to print a copy of this form for my files. By completing this questionnaire, I agree that I have read the "Informed Consent Form" and give MUFON and its volunteers consent to use my questionnaire as part of its research project.
Thank you for supporting our research through your participation.