
The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) is inviting feedback on the draft Practice Guidelines for Parenting Plan Assessments (the “Practice Guidelines”), which, once approved, will replace the current Practice Guidelines for Custody and Access Assessments. The Practice Guidelines require revisions to reflect current practice and provide registrants with sufficient guidance when completing parenting plan assessments.

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* 1. I am submitting feedback:

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* 2. Do you provide parenting plan assessments?

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* 3. If yes, do the draft Practice Guidelines provide enough guidance to carry out your role in developing parenting plans?

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* 4. The draft Practice Guidelines are clear and easy to understand.

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* 5. The draft Practice Guidelines are a helpful resource.

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* 6. The draft Practice Guidelines are user-friendly.

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* 7. The draft Practice Guidelines appropriately consider principles of equity, diversity and inclusion.

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* 8. The draft Practice Guidelines include informed approaches to working in the context of intimate partner violence.

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* 9. The draft Practice Guidelines provide adequate guidance on the business practices for performing parenting plan assessments, such as drafting contracts and considerations for virtual practice.

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* 10. The draft Practice Guidelines describe the advanced knowledge, experience and education required to be competent in performing parenting plan assessments.

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* 11. Do you have any additional comments?

Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback.