NPWH Member Stories and News

NPWH wants the world to know about the WHNP profession and what you do. You may also share your news items. We will publish this information in our newsletter and on social media. 
We also want to highlight the work of APRNs who provide women's and gender-related healthcare who are members of our organization. We are very interested in highlighting our member's professional and personal stories.
Our goal is to raise the profile of the WHNP profession. Your story is important to us. Thinking about answering these questions in your responses: Why did you become a WHNP and/or APRN focused in women's healthcare? What motivates you each day to do the work you do? What tips would you give to someone who is considering a career in women's healthcare? Why at WHNP vs another advanced degree?
Thank you for sharing! 

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* 1. Name and credentials

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* 2. Please upload a high quality photo of yourself. 

PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 3. Email (only so we can contact you, not for distribution)

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* 4. What state do you live in?

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* 5. How long have you been practicing as a WHNP or APRN who offers women's healthcare?

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* 6. Tell us about your current clinical practice or work in women's healthcare. What is your area of specialty? How are you making a difference? 

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* 7. Check all that apply as it pertains to your practice area, research focus, or educational specialty.

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* 8. Why did you become a member of NPWH? If you are not a member, tell us why. 

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* 9. Tell us why specialized women's healthcare providers are so important in the US?  

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* 10. Please share your news item in the space below.

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* 11. If your story is too long for the text box above, you can upload a document here.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

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* 12. Do you have a particular specialty in women's or gender-related health care and, if so, what brought you to this specialty? Tells us a bit about it.

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* 13. Why do you think being a WHNP or APRN in women's and gender-related healthcare makes a difference in the lives of the patients and communities you serve? What direct result have you seen from your service to these populations?

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* 14. What would you like to see in the future of the profession? How do you feel you are making a difference as a WHNP-BC or APRN providing women's healthcare?

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* 15. I grant NPWH permission to publish my story and news items, and any information provided in this survey. Please type name and date in the box below.